Jupyter notebook to slides with hidden code

How to export a JupyterLab notebook to a slide presentation, without showing the code.

From time to time I need to make a presentation out of an analysis I have been working on in a Jupyter notebook. People who sit at these meetings are not really interested in the code, so I needed a way of hiding it while turning markdown comments and figures into a presentation. Figuring this out required some heavy googling, so I thought about summarizing it here.

A general guide (for the original jupyter notebook environment) can be found in this article: Presenting Code Using Jupyter Notebook Slides. In JupyterLab, each cell rendering for the presentation is controlled from the Cell Inspector tab in the left sidebar. If you want to hide the code of a given cell, add "tags": ["to_remove"], to the cell’s metadata, that should look like this (for a fragment cell for instance):

    "tags": [
    "slideshow": {
        "slide_type": "fragment"

Unfortunately, this has to be done for each cell. I haven’t found a way to simultaneously edit the metadata of multiple cells.

Once done with formatting the metadata of all cells, build the html presentation with:

jupyter nbconvert presentation.ipynb --to slides --no-prompt --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_input_tags={\"to_remove\"} --post serve --SlidesExporter.reveal_theme=simple

Seen in Edit meta-data to suppress code input and cell numbers for reveal.js.